Here are some reasons why your garden’s volunteer plants can be good

Here are some reasons why your garden’s volunteer plants can be good
Here are some reasons why your garden’s volunteer plants can be good

In Oct, I explained some undesirable volunteers in my landscape that have been obnoxious these types of as privet and pecan seedlings. Even so, not all volunteers are obnoxious and I will describe a handful of good types below.

This year, and for the previous two many years, I have had butternut squash volunteers in my dahlia backyard garden and this yr was only outstanding in the phenomenal range of butternut squash produced. This is a volunteer that is effective out properly mainly because dahlias go higher and squash vines keep small. The only disadvantage is that I have to tread meticulously to not move or journey on a vine. I harvested a bonanza of these and have been giving them absent as I experienced way way too many for us to eat. 

A several to keep away from:Even Master Gardeners have crops they will not like