West Jefferson property transfers for Oct. 27 to Nov. 2 | Home/Garden

Below is a compilation of properties sold in West Jefferson Parish from Nov. 3-9, 2022. Data is compiled from public records
Transfers for Nov. 3-9
Church St. 204: Derrick Christian and Kenya C. Christian to Aracely J.Z. Rivas, $22,000.
Privateer Blvd. 3105: Keenon Leblanc to Chantel L. Hatten, $128,000.
Belt Bridge subdivision, lot 13, square 9: Randy Fanara and Paula C. Fanara to Patrick R. Wilbratte, $95,000.
Amaris Isle Plantation subdivision, lot 43: Amaris Isle Plantation LLC to Carlos M. Aguilar and Zamira S. Aguilar, $55,000.
Amaris Isle Plantation subdivision, lot 44: Amaris Isle Planatation LLC to Carlos M. Aguilar and Zamira S. Aguilar, $55,000.
Fig St. 142: Mellisa M. Esponge to Jamie M. Freeman, Jessica Freeman, Kendall P. Rebstock and Rachel Rebstock, $60,000.
LA. 1 2233: Lonnie W. Matherne and Pamela H. Matherne to Delos M. Blackwell, $50,000.
Ocean Beach subdivision, lot 7, square B: Marilyn M. Matherne and Michael J. Gambino to Bryan J. Ponville and Kathy R. Ponville, $40,000.
Tiger Lane 104: Mack J. Rodrigue Jr. and Dolly Rodrigue to Richard H. Pokojski Jr. and Esther E. Pokojski, $130,000.
19th St. 917: Cheramie Trust to Francisco R. Yannini, $125,000.
Briant St. 161: Carolyn L.L. Melling to Mistich Trio LLC, $181,500.
Cook St. 1322: Dominion Priorities LLC to Juan A.A. Matamoros and Enmer A.A. Matamoros, donation.
Deerfield Road 601: Gina Tran and Tung Nguyen to Phuong B. Le, $200,000.
Fairfield Drive 768: Devon Bank to Belal Hammad and Eliana Hindi, $300,000.
Fairfield Drive 768: 7200 Downman Road LLC to Devon Bank, $300,000.
Fairlawn Drive 621: Myrna H. Montiville to Jaime A. Barahona, Jamie B. Acosta and Vilma G.M. Escobar, $249,000.
Faith Place 1809: Claudia Haupt to Brian Colvay, $269,900.
Fried St. 120: Eric M. Escher and Ashley Escher to Andrew D. Wallis and Caroline G. Nielsen, $315,000.
Glenbrook Drive 2981: Riba Pittman to Dwayne McDuffey, $171,000.
Lake Lynn Drive 3625: Henry B. Williams and Lesa Williams to Canaan LLC, $280,000.
Rue St. Louis 2409: Steve S.A. Nguyen and Tina Nguyen to Laura Nguyen and Van H. Nguyen, $260,000.
S. Carlisle Drive 2728: Johnny B. Cappell Sr. and Margaret R. Cappell to Chambliss Professional Services LLC, $175,000.
Uakdale, no further data: Crucial Inc. to Crucial Real Estate LLC, $680,000.
Village of New Mechanickham subdivision, lot 9, square 14: Gary P. Hess to Brianna F. Hardy, donation.
Weyer St. 824-26: Heavens Gate Realty LLC and Jessica Bagneris to St. Cajetan LLC, donation.
Willow Drive 174: Kori J.K. Digiovanni to Kari R.S. Miller, $325,000.
Bridgewater Drive 3412: Janet Jedziniak to Jade Nguyen and Hieu Le, $375,900.
Glenoak Drive 3832: John V. LLC to Cianjanae Purvis, $258,000.
Leson Court subdivision, lot 3: Robert D. Anding and Bettye T. Anding to SKSS Properties LLC, $375,000.
Lynnbrook Drive 2488: Kelly R. Crais & Barbara M. Crais Revocable Living Trust, Kelly M. Crais and Kurt W. Stier to Alan Corbeille, $165,000.
Orchid Drive 1013: Brenda M. Zappulla to Edward G. Pattin III and Lori M.P. Deforest, $80,000.
Orchid Drive 1305: Hiep Doan and Dung K.T.N. Doan to Brandon T. Greco and Sydnee E. Delger, $284,500.
S. Windmere St. 4060: Tyrone Harrell to Matthew Q. Whitehouse and Markisha D.I. Whitehouse, $247,000.
Stall Drive 2105: Theresa Barrilleaux to Diana Caminita, $160,000.
Tulleries Garden Lane 24: Devan D. Johnson Sr. and Tanyika R. Johnson to Qasem Qatoum and Basema Q. Qatoum, $350,000.
Vulcan St. 2652: Ronald D. St. Pe, Kerry M. St. Pe, Marvin J. St. Pe, Mervin J. St. Pe, Byron J. St. Pe and Camille S. Howard to Universal Home Restorations LLC, donation.
W. Friendship Drive 2552: Michael A. Licciardi and Nancy Licciardi to Rene Marroquin, $340,000.
West Parc Green St. 3409: Jamar R. McKneely to Diab A. Hamed, $255,000.
Cody Ryan W. 1767: Bradley M. Bosch and Chastity N. Bosch to Carla B. Creppel, Rick P. Creppel and Carla C. Bourgeois, $435,000.
Jean Lafitte Blvd. 1143: Robert R. Verdin Sr. and Martha C.M. Verdin to Jeanne M. Zar, $218,000.
Marie Court 3346: Kimberly A.W. Casbon to Michael S. Bush, $113,000.
Ames Farms, no further data: K Bar Inc. to GCW Properties LLC, $391,406.
Barataria Blvd. 4261: Joshua C. Encalade and Enid V. Encalade to Bradley M. Bosch and Chasity N. Bosch, $470,000.
Bayou Des Familles 4609: Vallery S. Jenkins to Paul Belton Jr., $185,000.
Bayou Lours Court 2746: Mindy L.M.L. Simon to Vanessa B. Zimmerman, $247,000.
Cardinal Drive 2809: Maribel Garcia to Adriana Garcia, donation.
Farrington Drive 1005: Stephanie Organ to Glenn G. Guidry, $146,500.
Highland Drive 5133: Brandon T. Greco and Sydnee E. Greco to Peter T.D. Ngo and Nga N. Ngo, $216,000.
Misty Meadows Drive 2600: Garrett L. Toscano and Tiffany L. Dinette to Johnathan Slappey, $227,000.
Pearl subdivision, lot 95, square 7: Anthony R. Collura and Cheryl A. Collura to Anthony R. Collura & Cheryl A. Collura Revocable Living Trust, donation.
Peregrine Circle 2207: Thao Dang to Phuong T. Nguyen and Thuy T.T. Nguyen, $244,489.
Robinson Ave. 1020: Percy Hudson Jr. to Donna P. Hudson, donation.
Rue Jesann 2605: Albertine B. Jackson to Albertine Jackson Living Trust, donation.
Sand Bar Lane 2648: Rebecca Meyers and Cade D, Meyers to Brian K. Alexander Sr., $270,000.
Warwick Drive 5105: Nawal H. Yousef, Anwar Khader, Younis Sheikh, Azhar Sheikh and Manal Sheikh to Ali Yousef, donation.
E. Butterfly Circle 416: Robert S. Abba Jr. and Michaela Allen to Duglas A.A. Orellana and Dunia M. Machado, $200,000.
Live Oak Plantation Estates, Addition 2, square B, lots 1 through 16: Lakewood Development LLC to Coast Builders LLC, donation.
Ave. A 649: Victoria M. Frickey to Donna Landry and Darren Frickey, donation.
Defourneau Place subdivision, lot 4, square 2: Kevin S. Diggs Sr. and Felicia V. Diggs to Restlawn Park Cemetery Inc., $15,000.
Goldenrod Lane 5: Cornelius J. Leblanc III to Mohammad Khan and Noleta K. Khan, $260,000.
Paradise Caminada Estates subdivision, lot 7B: Larry H. Barnett and Janice T. Barnett to Fesi Enterprises LLC, $112,409.73.
River Road 2319: Melissa Layman and Christopher O. Fernandez to Morteza Farr, $965,000.
S. Kenner Ave. 127: Milioto Custom Homes LLC to Sedric Stewart and Jacqueline W. Stewart, $367,000.
Segnette Estates subdivision, lot 3A, square 3: Marrero Land & Improvement Association Ltd. to Bon Builders LLC, $62,916.
Senate Drive 220: Trinity Gulf Coast Development LLC to Kenia Ross, $35,000.
West Drive 903: Richard J. Guillot and Linda Guillot to Francisco P. Perez and Maria G.S. Campos, $175,000.