Why you should see red for a green yard, to understand lawn health

Why you should see red for a green yard, to understand lawn health
Why you should see red for a green yard, to understand lawn health

It’s finally June. We slogged by means of the grays of winter season and the visual cacophony of spring has come and gone. We’re not nevertheless into the correct doggy times of summertime, so truly, it’s a magical time in Kentucky and a excellent time to pay back a bit of homage to all that is inexperienced in the yard.

Increasing up in suburban New York City we were being surrounded by woods — mostly massive old beech trees and large oaks — and we had a massive property that was about half garden and 50 percent back garden. Getting the oldest boy in the Cappiello clan meant that mowing the garden was on my weekly chore list. And with my siblings I also expended innumerable hrs pulling up sod strips to make way for new gardens.